
Girl's Trip 2015

Through a series of fortunate events, we were able to make a girl's trip happen this past September with five out of the seven of us BYU girls.  Our last reunion was the summer of 2013 and we weren't planning a major get together so soon but I am so glad that stars aligned to make this week happen.

Jessica's parents very kindly let us use their beach house in Aptos (thank you Veaters!) and we had ourselves a really, really good time.  There's just nothing like your college friends who seem to really get you.  We would have a deep, late night chat one night and then a hilarious, roll on the ground and take selfies night the next.  I love growing old with these ladies and I love seeing our babies grow together too.  Here's a smattering of photos that don't do the week true justice but still make me smile nonetheless...
 ^^So funny to me that these three (all born within months of each other) are each in their own worlds in this picture.
 ^^Nine years ago we met as randomly assigned freshmen roommates and now look at us!  Each with our own little girls born five months apart.  (And Kasee, out of the ten photos we took in this pose, this was the only remotely decent one. ha!)
 ^^Couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a pyramid pictures, although this makes it very clear that our group wasn't complete...we missed you Molly and Ellen!
^^I think we were re-enacting something?  I dunno. 
^^Goodness, I miss those summer rompers!

For the last girl's reunion go here.  I was 16 weeks pregnant then and I was about 16 weeks pregnant here, craziness!

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