
Eloise, Eleanor and Noelle

Three baby girls born in the last 10 months in the Stewart family calls for a little photo shoot, don't you think? Eloise was born on October 15, Eleanor on January 9 and Noelle on July 11.  At the time of these pictures they were 9 months, 6 months and 3 weeks respectively.

And side note, taking pictures of two squirmy babies and one newborn is quite the feat, especially while in a cabin with less than ideal lighting.  How do you keep a 6 and 9 month old still when all they want to do is roll over?  Better yet, how do you keep a 6 and 9 month old from eating a 3 week old newborn?  It required many adults and produced less than stellar photos but I think they are hilarious none the less.  So with out further ado, here is a photo overload of cuteness...
I can't wait to recreate these photos every two years with the Stewart family vacations.  Here's to hoping they sure love each other and play well together throughout the years!

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