
First Father's Day

We celebrated Aaron's first Father's Day on Sunday and had fun honoring the man who makes life so fun to live around here.  We had a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, avocado toast and Aaron's favorite chocolate avocado banana shake. We were full till 3 pm that afternoon!

Church was especially inspirational and Aaron even volunteered to take Eleanor with him to priesthood (where he got her asleep and everything--a hard task to do these days cause she is a crib loving kind of girl all of a sudden)!

After church we headed up to Walnut Creek to have a fun Father's Day BBQ with my family.  We feel so blessed to leave close to them.  Our car ride home that night was extra long because halfway home I realized I had forgotten my phone. We turned around and took advantage of the extra time we had to talk while Eleanor snoozed in the back seat.  It was a great Sunday and hopefully Aaron felt appreciated and loved for being the great husband and dad that he is.

And a happy Father's Day to both our dads!  We appreciate you more than ever before now that we have a little glimpse into parenthood :)  Thank you for the sacrifices, the laughs and the guidance.  Love you!


  1. what a cute family. i love the bay area, and i'm glad you guys enjoyed your first little fathers day. next time you guys are in the walnut creek area we should get together!

  2. Thumbs up is my favorite! Teaching her young...
