
Eleanor meets Baby Ford

We stayed in the hospital for one night with Ford and then we were pretty ready to come home.  Because of flu season, our hospital would not allow any children under 14 years old to come inside, including siblings.  Such a bummer! We missed Eleanor a lot and we were dying to see how she would react to her baby brother so we excitedly headed home as early as we could.  Ford slept peacefully on the drive as Aaron and I schemed how we wanted this first meeting to go.  

Once we got home, we kept Ford in his car seat with a blanket over it and carried him into our bedroom.  Eleanor knew something was up and so she ran behind us to our room.  Aaron put the car seat on the ground and Eleanor kneeled right up to it.   When Aaron pulled back the blanket she started pointing and saying "Baby brother!"  She was in awe and it was adorable.  She immediately motioned to hold Ford so we took her over to the chair and I helped her hold him.  Eleanor touched Ford saying, "Fingers, head, belly, bottom, toes!" And she leaned in to give him several hugs and kisses, without prompting.  She instantly loved him.  

Aaron and I consider this to be one of the greatest moments of being parents yet.  We can't wait to see the bond between these two grow and grow. 

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