
Birthday Celebrations

I believe in celebrating your birthday all week long so we kicked Aaron's birthday weekend off on Friday night by going out for his birthday dinner at Roll One For Mi (sushi, of course).
We really loved satisfying our sushi cravings while talking about what Aaron liked about his past year as a 26 year old.

I don't have too many pictures from Saturday, but the birthday festivities continued with the Beans coming into town for the day.  Aaron got to play golf with Richard Bean and Jordan Ryan while the ladies and babies hit the zoo.  We ended the night with a dinner at Bobby's (so we call it) with the Beans and Ryans and then milkshakes at our place.  Aaron makes a mean milkshake.  The night ended with watching BYU win a basketball game so it was a happy day all around.

And then yesterday on his actual birthday, I tried to give him a relaxing morning by getting up with Eleanor (she's been waking up earlier and earlier so 7:15 am it was yesterday) and then made french toast, per Aaron's birthday request.
We met up at lunch for a Chili's meal followed by a trip into Aaron's office to see how his coworkers decked it out in streamers and double stuffed Oreo's (Aaron's all time favorite snack).
When Aaron got home from work we sat around the piano and had a family singing session of the Eagles.  Then watched BYU play another basketball game followed by a homemade chicken tikka masala dinner.  Much to my sadness, Aaron insisted he really didn't want a birthday cake (to which I said: how can you not want a birthday cake???) so he ended the night playing basketball at the church and then relaxing at home.

I tried getting Eleanor to say "Happy Birthday Daddy" all day but the closest we got was a "da da" here and there.  She made up for it though by smothering him with kisses so it was all good.

I love the chance to celebrate Aaron and this great life he has created.  He is always doing so much for our family so it's the best when we totally focus on making him feel great.  Aaron appreciated all the birthday wishes he received from you family and friends so thanks for also helping in making him feel great as well!

And just like that, our family's birthday season is over til next January!  The celebrations were great while they lasted and now we are on to making this year the best we have seen yet :)

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