
A post about our lovely weekend

*I wrote this at 8:30 am this morning but am posting it at 2:07 pm because it took me one 30 minute nap to clean up space on my laptop to hold more pictures, another 30 minute nap to upload tons of pictures from my phone and camera, and another nap time to actually upload the photos to this post.  Such is life with a little babe.

(My view as I write.)

The time is 8:30 am and I am currently laying on the couch watching Eleanor drift off to sleep in her swing.  Usually I would be frantically wishing Eleanor to sleep at this point so I could just get a little bit more sleep, but I am amazingly well rested.  I actually have the desire to be productive today!  Eleanor just did her second 10:30 pm-7:00 am sleeping stretch in a row and I must say that I can live with that!  (We know we are getting incredibly lucky that she is naturally sleeping this long at 2 1/2 months but we sure put in our time with practically no sleep those first 6 weeks!)

We had a really slow paced weekend that involved Aaron working and me stressing over lesson planning, but now looking back, it was all still quite lovely.

Last week, Aaron worked long hours and went a couple days without even getting to see Eleanor awake at all.  He got sick and come Friday morning he couldn't even make it to work.  I wish he could have taken a full blown sick day and stayed in bed the whole day but the "joys of the accounting world" mean that a sick day is still working, just from home.  But oh how glorious it was to have him home!  I tried not to distract him but it was so great that he could give me a kiss every once in a while, that we could have salad together for lunch and that he could jump in to help on a major blowout diaper.  That night Aaron read through the General Conference talk I was giving my lesson on and we discussed it a bit and then watched Frozen, which Aaron hadn't seen yet.  Eleanor fell asleep at the end of the movie and then we got to go to bed around 11 pm.  I can't tell you how relaxing it is for my mind to be able to get in to bed at night having confidence that I will get to sleep a long stretch all at once.
We woke Saturday morning and Aaron was feeling so much better.  Eleanor didn't get up until 7 am and when she did officially wake up I was more than happy to feed her and spend time with her.  Aaron still had to work on Saturday but he worked from home and it felt like we still got to hang out.  I also worked on my lesson throughout the day.  I always like to have a good, long chunk of time where I can clear my mind and real hash out my ideas for a lesson, but I am learning that that doesn't happen when you have a baby.  So I stretched it out over the course of the day and it worked out.

Aaron took a work break around 5 pm and we drove down to Los Gatos for a stroll through their downtown area.  Los Gatos is just so quaint and idyllic.  If you come visit us here on out then we will most likely take you there (we just went last weekend with Erin and Jessica).  We strolled through the shops, ate a burger joint, then I nursed the babe in the car because she is an every 2 hours kind of girl still, and we headed home.  On our drive back we thought up everything we would need/want to buy to fill our future home and it was quite a fun dreaming kind of conversation for us.
Aaron worked that night and Eleanor and I hung out on the couch. 
I put Eleanor down around 10:30 pm and finished the rest of my lesson.

Sunday morning is church at 9 am.  We have come to take a flexible approach to church and just accept that anything can happen when you have a child.  Eleanor decided to eat during sacrament meeting, and because the Mother's Room was locked (who does that?), I opted for the next comfiest room of chairs--the high council's room, ha.  There is no sound system that carries sacrament meeting into there so I missed out on the talks but oh well.  Eleanor slept through Sunday School and then spit up on Aaron during priesthood while I was blissfully unaware over in Relief Society, teaching my lesson on priorities.  My lesson went even better than I could have hoped so I was pleased knowing that those wonderful Relief Society ladies were able to learn and feel something.

Sunday afternoon was lazy and wonderful.  Aaron cleaned and I slept--that's the life, right?! We had a million sessions of singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "I am a Child of God" because these are Eleanor's two current favs (she told us so with her big smiles every time we sang them to her).  My current "happy place" is sitting on the couch next to Aaron with Eleanor in our lap and singing and talking to our baby girl.  We sure earn those smiles and they are so rewarding.

The wonderful Emily Bean cooked us dinner (again!  This girl is amazing.) and then we did a fun google hang out chat with Aaron's whole family for some needed catching up.  (P.S. Happy Birthday today Adam!!).

(Hanging out with Eleanor this morning in her PJs) 

So Aaron's back at work today and he's going to have another week of long hours but it'll be okay.  I am just feeling super rejuvenated after our (essentially) 3 day weekend together + multiple nights of good sleep.  This week will be full of grocery shopping, doing my Project Life scrapbook for Eleanor, making a shutterfly photobook, cleaning our home, getting passports (Vancouver trip in July!), singing to Eleanor and changing endless numbers of diapers.  And maybe I will get my act together to sift through the daunting number of photos I've taken of Eleanor so I can start posting them here for all to see.

Hope you all have a happy week!

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute! I'm glad you guys are finally catching up on some sleep! Way to go Eleanor for sleeping through the night! :)
